Another great story that are super excited to share with all of you is that on Feb 21st, and after 2 years of close collaboration with FUNCAVIDA, an NGO dedicated to bring relief and support to cancer patients in Costa Rica, we finally celebrated the opening of a “healing butterfly house” to bring hope & life to the inner corridors of the Hospital Mexico, one of the largest hospitals in Costa Rica in size and total patients support.
Feb 21st in the opening of a “healing butterfly house
This is the second time we are able to contribute with this type of “Healing Butterfly Centers” in Costa Rica, since over the last ten years we have regularly donated pupae to Hospital San Rafael de Alajuela, the 2nd largest public hospital in the metropolitan area.
Our association with FUNCAVIDA
Our support to FUNCAVIDA over the past 2 years considered different talks to their staff & patients who are part of the association, we donated a special pupae cabinet for the emergence process, and finally, we trained the people that will be in charge of guiding tours and hanging the pupae.
Pupae cabinet: Patients knew the new “healing butterfly house
One symbolic element of this butterfly is that FUNCAVIDA picked the “Monarch butterfly” as the iconic species for this area, without knowing a very valuable fact that the Danaus plexippus feeds from the “Asclepia” plant, which is toxic for many animals, but that the Monarch uses to transform itself into an amazing butterfly. When we shared this fact, all FUNCAVIDA members immediately reacted to the chemotherapy process and how they all were capable of going through a toxic process with the chemotherapy so they could be healed!
We want you to feel part of this amazing project that will bring Faith, Love, and Magic to hundreds of patients that will visit this little “healing oasis” inside the Hospital. Without your support and cooperation over all these years to our cause, we wouldn’t be able to do all of this.
May we all be astonished by the majesty of Nature & butterflies!